Foreword | Preface | Introduction | Table of Contents |1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | INDEX

CHAPTER 5 – Newborns

Baby for Sale

This chapter explores:

• What does the exhilaration and exhaustion of the first month after publication feel like for authors?

• What is the reality of the first few months after a book is born.

• Does a book, like a baby, keep you up at night?

• How do authors balance empowerment with loss of control?

• What are returns–is there something wrong with my baby?

• What do Amazon rankings really mean?

And provides:

• Example of wrapping a pitch around current events (the biggest media “get” of all happened when we did!)

• Example of press release and cover letter

• Weapons to navigate the Amazon jungle successfully

• Two successful "Amazon Bestseller Campaign" examples