Foreword | Preface | Introduction | Table of Contents |1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | INDEX

Abstract cover design, 53f
Addition of more books. see Expanding your family
Advance reading copies. see ARCs
Advance review copies. see ARCs
Advance review packages
------ overview of, 60
------ for S.A.H.M. I Am: Tales of a Stay-at-Home Mom in Europe, 64f
Advances, 203
Advantage, Amazon, 128
------ public relations. see Announcement of new books
------ resources for finding, 213
ALA Booklist, 78, 80, 214
Albom, Mitch, 17, 139
All You, 134
------ award nominations and, 146
------ bestseller campaigns and, 129–130, 162
------ Deborah Hurley’s reviews from, 182–183
------ distribution and, 101–102, 206
------ Iris Waichler on, 111
------ Jennifer Kalita on, 117
------ Maureen Focht on, 125–126
------ negative reviews and, 126
------ overview of, 127–130
------ returns and, 131
------ writing and, 195
American Library Association, 78, 80
And Then...Came Arthur, conception of, 8–9
Animal House, 95
Announcement of new books. see also Marketing
------ advances and, 203
------ Alana Morales on, 42–43, 81
------ Arlene Schusteff on, 46, 83
------ The Author’s Companion and, 99, 137
------ Caroline Poser on, 41, 83
------ Christie Glascoe Crowder on, 43, 82
------ Christine Louise Hohlbaum on, 44, 81, 165
------ Deborah Hurley on, 47, 85
------ decision to hire and agent, 87–88
------ introduction to, 39
------ Iris Waichler on, 43–44, 80–81
------ Jennifer Kalita on, 26, 81–82
------ Jennifer Thie on, 40–41
------ Julie Watson Smith on, 42, 80
------ Kathryn Mahoney on, 45, 82–83
------ Leeda Bacon on, 41–42, 82
------ Malonda Richard on, 47, 84–85
------ Marna Krajeski on, 45
------ Maureen Focht on, 45–46, 84
------ Nancy Cleary on, 40, 85–86
------ Nina Marie Duran on, 46
------ nine-month plan for, 78–79
------ Pamela Jo Leo on, 45, 84
------ Paula Schmitt on, 44–45, 75, 80
------ pitch letters and. see Pitch letters
------ pitch principle and, 200–203
------ presence principle and, 197–199
------ publication dates and, 77
------ resources for, 172, 213
------ Samantha Gianulis on, 46, 85
------ signings and, 103
------ Terilee Harrison on, 46, 84
Anthologies, writing for, 194
------ birth plans and, 78
------ Caroline Poser on, 67
------ Christie Glascoe Crowder on, 67
------ Deborah Hurley on, 69–70
------ follow-ups and, 104
------ Iris Waichler on, 68
------ Jennifer Kalita on, 70
------ overview of, 60–62, 61f
------ packages and. see Advance review packages
------ Pamela Jo Leo on, 68–69
------ Samantha Gianulis on, 66
------ signings and, 103
Articles, writing, 194
“Ask Christine”, 136p
Aspect, 208
Associates, Amazon, 128
Associations, 214. see also organization name
Atoms, book, 188–189
Attitude, importance of, 179
Author branding. see Branding
Author names, 48–50
Author photos, cover design and, 53f
AuthorHouse, 205
The Author’s Companion, 99, 137, 172, 202, 214
Authors Guild, 193, 214
AuthorsCompanion.com, 172, 202
Aventine Press, 205
Awards, 144, 145–146

Baby and You, 134
Bacon, Leeda
------ on announcing new book, 41–42
------ biography, 215
------ on birth of new book, 94
------ branded materials of, 35f
------ on conception of book idea, 9
------ on expanding your family, 170
------ favorite resources of, 176
------ on media events, 151–152
------ photo of, 120p
------ on public relations, 82
------ on publishers, 22
Baggage Handlers, 166
Bailey, Maria, 134
Baker & Taylor, 101–102, 131
Ballantine, 208
Bantam Dell, 208
Barnes & Noble, 101–102, 103, 111, 206
Be the Star You Are!, 112
Be Ye Encouraged!
------ branded materials of, 35f
------ conception of, 9
------ cover design and, 53f
------ media events and, 152
------ public relations and, 82
BEA, 69
Become Your Own Publisher, 206
Benjamin Franklin Awards, 144
Berkley Books, 208
Bestseller in 30 Days, 214
Bestsellers. see also New York Times
------ Amazon campaigns and, 129–130
------ Nancy Cleary on, 162
------ stories of, 213
Big Apple Parent, 88
BigMediaUSA.com, 168
Birth of the book
------ Alana Morales on, 93
------ Arlene Schusteff on, 91
------ Caroline Poser on, 92–93
------ Christine Louise Hohlbaum on, 90
------ Deborah Hurley on, 93
------ Iris Waichler on, 94
------ Jennifer Kalita on, 96
------ Julie Watson Smith on, 93
------ Kathryn Mahoney on, 90
------ Leeda Bacon on, 94
------ Malonda Richard on, 94
------ Marna Krajeski on, 92
------ Maureen Focht on, 91–92
------ Nina Marie Duran on, 91
------ overview of, 89
------ pain of, 163
------ Pamela Jo Leo on, 91
------ Paula Schmitt on, 90
------ Samantha Gianulis on, 95–96
------ Terilee Harrison on, 92
Birth plans, 78–79
Bisac categories, 60
Black Forest Press, 205
------ Amazon, 129
------ writing for, 194, 195
Blue level of publishing, 205
A Book is Born 24 mom authors tell all
------ conception of, 2
------ media events and, 153–154, 209
------ public relations and, 86
------ as step to publishing, 209
------ theme of, 92–93
A Book is Born Publishing Club, 209
Bookfest, 117
Booklocker.com, 205
Book-marketing.com, 214
Bookmarks, presence and, 198
BookPublisher, 205
Bookstore signings. see Signings
Bookstores, sales outside of, 159
Borders, 101–102
The Boston Globe, 138p
Boston Globe magazine, 114
The Boston Herald, 134, 135
Branding. see also Presence Principle
------ cover design and, 52
------ importance of, 28
------ presence and, 197, 198
------ of publishing company, 206
Braverman, Kate, 17, 225
Brian, Cynthia, 112
Budgeting, 158
Business, writing for, 194
Business cards, presence and, 198
A Business Guide to Copyright Law, 213
“The Business Mom Connection”, 168–169
The Business Mom Guide Book: More Life, Less Overwhelm for Mom Entrepreneurs
------ conception of, 7
------ cover design and, 53f
Bykofsky, Sheree, 213

Calgary Child’s Magazine, 135
Campbell, Chelle, 99
Careera, Tia, 148
Cavett, Dick, 68
Celebrity endorsements, 102–103. see also Endorsements
The Chicago Manual of Style, 13
The Chicago Tribune, 21, 134
Childbirth, pain of, 163
Christian Science Monitor, 114
Church, writing for, 194
Clarion Books, 208
Cleary, Nancy. see also Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing
------ on announcing new book, 40
------ Arlene Schusteff on, 167
------ on bestsellers, 162
------ biography, 223
------ Christie Glascoe Crowder on, 20
------ Christine Louise Hohlbaum on, 21
------ on conception of book idea, 2
------ Deborah Hurley on, 18
------ favorite resources of, 180
------ Iris Waichler on, 21, 81
------ Jennifer Thie on, 19
------ Kathryn Mahoney on, 23
------ Malonda Richard on, 25
------ manuscript release and, 55, 58, 59
------ Marna Krajeski on, 24
------ media events and, 107
------ Oregon Bed & Breakfast...& Book and, 210
------ Pamela Jo Leo on, 45, 69, 143
------ Paula Schmitt on, 44
------ photo of, 120p, 223p
------ on public relations, 85–86
ClubMom, 135
Coaches, writing, 13
Coffee mugs, presence and, 198
Cold Tree Press, 205
Collage cover design, 53f
Community relations, presence and, 199
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Getting Published, 213
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Self- Publishing, 213
Computers, as resource, 176–177
Conception of book ideas
------ Alana Morales on, 5–6
------ Arlene Schusteff on, 7
------ Caroline Poser on, 6
------ Christie Glascoe Crowder on, 5
------ Christine Louise Hohlbaum on, 3
------ Deborah Hurley on, 8
------ introduction to, 1
------ Iris Waichler on, 2–3
------ Jennifer Kalita on, 10
------ Jennifer Thie on, 8–9
------ Julie Watson Smith on, 4–5
------ Kathryn Mahoney on, 4
------ Leeda Bacon on, 9
------ Malonda Richard on, 9
------ Marna Krajeski on, 7
------ Maureen Focht on, 6
------ Nancy Cleary on, 2
------ Nina Marie Duran on, 6–7
------ Pamela Jo Leo on, 10
------ Paula Schmitt on, 6
------ Samantha Gianulis on, 2
------ Terilee Harrison on, 7
Conference calls, 86
Connect, Amazon, 129
Connection Parenting
------ ARC of, 68
------ branded materials of, 31f
------ conception of, 10
------ photo of, 143p
------ toddler period of book development and, 142–143
Contactanycelebrity.com, 102
Co-op. see Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing
Copyediting, 12–14
Core, of book atom, 189
Costs. see Expenses
Cover design
------ Amazon and, 128
------ ARCs and, 61f
------ Deborah Hurley on, 51
------ hiring help for, 206
------ Iris Waichler on, 81
------ Malonda Richard on, 51
------ Nina Marie Duran on, 51
------ Pamela Jo Leo on, 51
------ samples of, 52f, 53f, 54f
Cover letters, 60
Cracked at Birth: One Madcap Mom’s Thoughts on Motherhood
------ branded materials of, 32f
------ conception of, 4
------ photo of, 115f
Craigslist, 179
Cravings. see Pre-natal book care
Crowder, Christie Glascoe
------ on announcing new book, 43
------ on ARCs, 67
------ biography, 215
------ on conception of book idea, 5
------ on expanding your family, 170
------ favorite resources of, 176–177
------ on manuscript release, 58–59
------ on media events, 152–154
------ photo of, 153p
------ on pre-natal care of book, 74
------ on public relations, 82
------ on publishers, 20
------ on toddler period of book development, 141
Crown, 208
Cunningham, Kelley, 215
Current events, pitch letters and, 121–124

Dates, publication, 77, 78
“Deal or No Deal”, 148
DeBroff, Stacy, 136–137
Design, cover. see Cover design
“Desperate Housewives”, 135
Diary of a Mother: Parenting Stories and Other Stuff 3, 21, 44
Discounts, Amazon, 127
Distribution, 101–102, 162, 206
Dog Ear Publishing, 205
Domestically Challenged
------ branded materials of, 30f
conception of, 5–6
------ cover design and, 53f
Doubleday Broadway, 208
------ Christie Glascoe Crowder on, 177
------ Deborah Hurley on, 71
Dr. Phil, 106–107
Dreams. see Pre-natal book care
Duran, Nina Marie
------ on announcing new book, 46
------ biography, 216
------ on birth of new book, 91
------ branded materials of, 36f
------ on conception of book idea, 6–7
------ on cover design, 51
------ on expanding your family, 166–167
------ favorite resources of, 178–179
------ on newborn period of book development, 114
------ on pre-natal care of book, 75
------ on publishers, 24
------ on toddler period of book development, 140–141
Dutton, 208

eBooks, writing for, 194
Edelman, Marian Wright, 178
------choosing an editor, 13–14
------Deborah Hurley on, 15
------Iris Waichler on, 81
------types of, 12–13
Education, writing and, 195
The Elements of Style, 13
Elijah on My Mind
------branded materials of, 36f
------conception of, 6–7
------cover design and, 53f
------impact of on author, 166–167
------sponsorship of, 160–161p
Endorsements, 60, 67–70, 78–79, 102–103. see also Pitch letters
------book, 188, 189
------finding a publisher and, 207
------pitch principle and, 201–202
------presence principle and, 197, 198–199
------publishing principle and, 203
------writing principle and, 194–195
Epidurals. see Pre-natal book care
Events. see Launches
eWPN, 193
Expanding your family
------Arlene Schusteff on, 167
------Caroline Poser on, 166
------Christie Glascoe Crowder on, 170
------Christine Louise Hohlbaum on, 165–166
------Iris Waichler on, 164–165
------Julie Watson Smith on, 165
------Kathryn Mahoney on, 169–170
------Leeda Bacon on, 170
------Malonda Richard on, 170–171
------Marna Krajeski on, 166
------Nina Marie Duran on, 166–167
------Samantha Gianulis on, 171
------Terilee Harrison on, 168–169
Expenses, 158, 176, 179
Experts.com, 214

Faber & Faber, 208
Faith, Kathryn Mahoney on, 75
------competition for attention and, 27, 45, 175
------support of when new book announced. see Announcement of new books
Fans, Alana Morales on, 113
Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 208
------importance of, 178–179
------peer. see Peer review
Field, Sally, 145
Financial expectations, 108, 173, 179. see also Sales
Fireside, 208
First Books, 205
First level of publishing, 205
Fisher, Joely, 110p
Fisher, Tricia, 110p
Focht, Maueen, biography, 216
Focht, Maureen
------on Amazon, 125–126
------on announcing new book, 45–46
------on birth of new book, 91–92
------branded materials of, 33f
------on conception of book idea, 6
------favorite resources of, 179
------on public relations, 84
------on publishers, 22
------on toddler period of book development, 141–142
Following up, 104
Foreign rights, 69
ForeWord Magazine, 78, 143, 144, 214
Four principles of publishing
------chart of, 190–191f, 204
------overview of, 192
------pitch as, 200–203
------presence and, 197–199
------publish as, 203–208
------writing as, 193–196
14 Hours ‘Til Bedtime, 21
Fourth level of publishing, 207
Fragments of Hope
------branded materials of, 34f
------conception of, 8
------launch of=, 116
------reviews of, 182–183
Freeconferencecall.com, 86
The Frugal Book Promoter, 81, 214
Fundraisers, 98, 159
Fundraising, presence and, 199

Garcia, Norma, 216
Gerboth, Gina, 14
GetKnownNow.com, 199
Ghostwriting, 12–14, 179, 193, 194, 196
Gianulis, Samantha
------on announcing new book, 46
------on ARCs, 66
------biography, 216
------on birth of new book, 95–96
------branded materials of-, 35f
------on conception of book idea, 2
------on manuscript release, 58
------on media events, 150–151
------on newborn period of book development, 118–119
------photo of, 150p
------on pre-natal care of book, 74
------on public relations, 85
------on publishers, 25–26
Gilbert, Randy, 162
Giveaways, presence and, 198
Goals, importance of, 163
Goode, Caron, 10, 217
Google Alerts, 195
Gotham Books, 208
G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 208
Graphic cover design, 53f
Greenwood Publishing, 208
The Greg Berhendt Show, 139, 147–149

Handbook of Publishing Law, 213
Harcourt, 208
Harcourt Trade, 208
Harmony, 208
HarperBusiness, 208
HarperCollins, 208
HarperResource, 208
Harrison, Terilee
------on announcing new book, 46
------biography, 217
------on birth of new book, 92
------on conception of book idea, 7
------on expanding your family, 168–169
------on public relations, 84
------on toddler period of book development, 141
Hate mail, 99–100
Hats, presence and, 198
Hay House Radio, 168
Headshots, 177
Heinemann-Raintree, 208
Henry Holt, 208
Hepburn, Katharine, 68
Hill, Brian, 213
Hill & Wang, 208
Hiring help, 177, 179, 180, 201, 206
Hohlbaum, Christine Louise
------advance review package for, 65f
------on announcing new book, 44
------“Ask Christine” and, 136p
------biography, 217
------on birth of new book, 90
------branded materials of, 31f
------on conception of book idea, 3
------on expanding your family, 165–166
------favorite resources of, 172
------on manuscript release, 55
------on newborn period of book development, 113–114
------photo of, 113f, 120p
------pitch letter for, 64f
------on pre-natal care of book, 75
------on public relations, 81
------as publicist, 85–86
------on publishers, 20–21
------on toddler period of book development, 135–136
Holidays, 79
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 208
Holtzbrinck, 208
The Home Office Parent: How to Raise Kids & Profits Under One Roof
------conception of, 10
------cover design and, 53f
Hot Moms Club, 135
Houghton Mifflin, 208
Household Baggage: The Moving Life of a Soldier’s Wife
------branded materials of, 29f
------conception of, 7
------cover design and, 53f
------publishing of, 23–24
------sequel to, 166
------toddler period of book development and, 137–138
Howard-Johnson, Carolyn, 213
Hulce, Tom, 95
Hurley, Deborah
------on announcing new book, 47
------on ARCs, 69–70
------biography, 217
------on birth of new book, 93
------branded materials of, 34f
------on conception of book idea, 8
------on cover design, 51
------on defining one’s self as a writer, 181–183
------on doubts, 71
------on editors, 15
------on entry into publishing world, 11
------on importance of writing, 27
------on manuscript release, 57–58
------on newborn period of book development, 116–117
------photo of, 116p
------on pre-natal care of book, 75
------on public relations, 85
------on publishers, 18
Hybrid Mom, 136p

Ideas, for books. see Conception of book ideas
Impact of book
------Arlene Schusteff on, 167
------Caroline Poser on, 166
------Christie Glascoe Crowder on, 170
------Christine Louise Hohlbaum on, 165–166
------Iris Waichler on, 155, 164–165
------Julie Watson Smith on, 165
------Kathryn Mahoney on, 169–170
------Leeda Bacon on, 170
------Malonda Richard on, 170–171
------Marna Krajeski on, 166
------Nina Marie Duran on, 166–167
------Pamela Jo Leo on, 168
------Samantha Gianulis on, 171
------Terilee Harrison on, 168–169
Imprints, 206–207, 208, 209
Independent presses, 206–207
Independent Publisher, 214
Indexing, 14, 81
Indie book awards, 144
Industry publications, 214
Infertility, Iris Waichler on, 2–3
Infinity Publishing, 205
Ingram, 101–102, 131, 206
Inside the Bestsellers, 213
Intention, as core of book, 189
International Publishers Alliance, 69
iPage, 101
IPPY awards, 144
ISBN numbers, 23, 60, 101, 205, 206
iUniverse, 205
iVillage Live, 150p

Jenkins, Jerrold, 213
Jeremy P. Tarcher, 208
Johnson, Eddie Myers, 84
Jump Start Your Book Sales, 214

Kalita, Jennifer
------on ARCs, 70
------biography, 218
------on birth of new book, 96
------on conception of book idea, 10
------on newborn period of book development, 117
------photo of, 120p
------on pre-natal care of book, 76
------on public relations, 81–82
------on publishers, 26
Katz, Christina, 196
“Kelly’s Freshman Year Survival Manual”, 17
Khyrons, 147, 150, 152, 153
Kirkus, 78
Kirkus Reviews, 214
Kirsch, Jonathan, 213
Knopf, 208
Krajeski, Marna
------on announcing new book, 45
------biography, 218
------on birth of new book, 92
------branded materials of, 29f
------on conception of book idea, 7
------on expanding your family, 166
------favorite resources of, 177
------on manuscript release, 55
------on newborn period of book development, 117
------photo of, 120p
------on publishers, 23–24
------on toddler period of book development, 137–138
Kremer, John, 214

“Las Vegas”, 148
Launches, 97–99, 130. see also Announcement of new books; Newborn period of book
Law, publishing, 213
LCCNs, 23, 60
Leeda Bacon on, photo of, 152p
Leo, Pamela Jo
------on announcing new book, 45
------on ARCs, 68–69
------biography, 218
------on birth of new book, 91
------branded materials of, 31f
------on conception of book idea, 10
------on cover design, 51
------favorite resources of, 180
------on impact of book, 168
------on newborn period of book development, 115
------photo of, 143p
------on public relations, 84
------on publishers, 16
------on toddler period of book development, 142–143
------cover, 60
------pitch, 63–64, 64f, 121–124
Levels of publishing
------#1 Blue, 205
------#2 Red, 206–207
------#3 Orange, 207
------#4 Yellow, 207
Library Journal, 78, 214
Library of Congress registration, 23, 60
Lightning Source, 206
Link, Mardi, 213
Listmania, Amazon, 129
Little, Brown and Co., 208
Little Black Dress Jewelry, 98
Little Grapes on the Vine
------birth of, 95
------branded materials of, 35f
------conception of, 2
------cover design and-, 53f
------media events and, 150–151, 150p
Living in a Locker Room: A Mom’s Tale of Survival in a Houseful of Boys
------branded materials of, 32f
------conception of, 6
------cover design and, 53f
------event photo and, 112p
------toddler period of book development and, 134–135
Llumina Press, 205
The Lowell Sun, 138p
LuLu, 205

Macmillan, 208
Magazines, 194, 198. see also Media events
Mahoney, Kathryn
------on announcing new book, 45
------biography, 218
------on birth of new book, 90
------branded materials of, 32f
------on conception of book idea, 4
------on expanding your family, 169–170
------favorite resources of, 175–176
------on newborn period of book development, 115
------photo of, 115p
------on pre-natal care of book, 74–75
------on public relations, 82–83
------on publishers, 23
------on toddler period of book development, 138
Maiden names, 49
Mail, negative, 99–100
The Making of a Bestseller, 213
Malignant Sadness, 69
Manuscript release
------Alana Morales on, 57
------Caroline Poser on, 56
------Christie Glascoe Crowder on, 58–59
------Christine Louise Hohlbaum on, 55
------Deborah Hurley on, 57–58
------Julie Watson Smith on, 57
------Malonda Richard on, 55–56, 59
------Marna Krajeski on, 55
------Samantha Gianulis on, 58
Mariner Books, 208
Mario, Molto, 103
Marketing. see also Announcement of new books; Presence Principle
------cover design and, 52
------importance of, 28
------plan for, 175–176
Marketplace, Amazon, 128
McCartney, Beatrice Lilly, 110p
McMillan, Terry, 39, 43
Measurement of energy. see Energy
Media bistro, 179
Media events. see also Announcement of new books
------Arlene Schusteff on, 147–149
------birth of new book and, 104–107
------Christie Glascoe Crowder on, 152–154
------Leeda Bacon on, 151–152
------nine-month plan and, 79
------presence and, 197, 198
------Samantha Gianulis on, 150–151
------Terilee Harrison on, 168
------toddler period of book development and, 133, 134–135
Metropolitan Books, 208
Microsoft OneNote, 176–177
Microsoft Word, 177
Mills, Heather, 110p
Molecular structure of book, 188–189
Mom Central, 136
Mom Talk Radio, 134
Mom Writer’s Literary Magazine, 25–26, 135, 150
Mom Writers Publishing Cooperative. see Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing
Mommy Land, branded materials of, 34f
Mommyhood Diaries
------branded materials of, 30f
------conception of, 4–5
------cover design and, 53f
------events for, 110p
Mom’s Radio Network, 140
MomsRadioNetwork.com, 168
Money. see Financial expectations; Sales
Morales, Alana
------on announcing new book, 42–43
------biography, 218
------on birth of new book, 93
------branded materials of, 30f
------on conception of book idea, 5–6
------on manuscript release, 57
------on newborn period of book development, 112–113
------on pre-natal care of book, 74
------on public relations, 81
------on publishers, 24
Morgan James Publishing, 205
Morning sickness. see Pre-natal book care
------branded materials of, 29f
------conception of, 6
------cover design and, 53f
Mugs, presence and, 198
My Life Isn’t Perfect
------conception of, 9
------cover design and, 53f
------photo of, 118p

------Leeda Bacon on, 37
------of publishing company, 206
Nana’s Garden, 110
NAPPA, 144
National Indie Excellence 2007 Book Awards, 142, 144
National Parenting Publication Awards, 144
National Public Radio, 105, 114
Nautilus Awards, 144
NAWW, 193
Negative energy, 189
Negative reviews, 99–100, 126
Nesting, Jennifer Kalita on, 76
New York Times, 80, 114, 156
Newborn period of book development
------Alana Morales on, 112–113
------Christine Louise Hohlbaum on, 113–114
------Deborah Hurley on, 116–117
------introduction to, 109
------Iris Waichler on, 111–112
------Jennifer Kalita on, 117
------Julie Watson Smith on, 110
------Kathryn Mahoney on, 115
------Malonda Richard on, 117–118
------Marna Krajeski on, 117
------Nina Marie Duran on, 114
------Pamela Jo Leo on, 115
------Paula Schmitt on, 112
------Samantha Gianulis on, 118–119
Newsletters, writing for, 194
Newspapers, writing for, 194
Newsweek, 80
Niches, 121–124, 195
Nominations, award, 145–146
North Point Press, 208
Northrup, Christiane, 68

OK Magazine, 139
One sheets. see Sell sheets
1001 Ways to Market Your Book, 214
OneNote, 176–177
Oprah. see Winfrey, Oprah
Orange level of publishing, 207
Ordinary Aphrodite, 185
Oregon Bed & Breakfast...& Book, 210
Outskirts Press, 205
Owl Books, 208

PageFree Publishing, 205
Pain-killers. see Pre-natal book care
Palmer-Adisa, Opal, 134
Parenting, 114, 134
Parents, 114
Parker, Sarah Jessica, 102
Passion, as core of book, 189
Patience, as core of book, 189
Patient Power: How to have a say during your hospital stay, 21
Peanut Butter, Playdates and Prozac: Tales from a Modern Mom
------branded materials of, 36f
------conception of, 7
------cover design and, 52f
------media events and, 147–149
Pearce, Joseph Chilton, 68–69, 142–143
Peer review, 178–179, 194
Pen names, 48–50
Penguin, 208
Penguin Group, 208
Perfectionism, 99
Pericon, Victoria
------biography, 219
------branded materials of, 34f
Perseus Books, returns and, 131
Persistence, as core of book, 189
------cover design and, 53f, 54f
------headshots and, 177
Picador, 208
Pitch letters, 63–64, 64f, 121–124
Pitch Principle, 200–203. see also Presence Principle
Platform, importance of, 28, 197
Plogs, Amazon, 129
Plume, 208
Pma-online.org, 213
Pocket Books, 208
POD, 206
Podcasting, 135, 199
Poser, Caroline
------on announcing new book, 41
------on ARCs, 67
------biography, 219
------on birth of new book, 92–93
------branded materials of, 29f
------on conception of book idea, 6
------on expanding your family, 166
------on manuscript release, 56
------on pre-natal care of book, 76
------on public relations, 83
Postcards, presence and, 198
Power, Dee, 213
“Powerful Families, Powerful Lives”, 137
Pre-natal book care
------Alana Morales on, 74
------Caroline Poser on, 76
------Christie Glascoe Crowder on, 74
------Christine Louise Hohlbaum on, 75
------Deborah Hurley on, 75
------introduction to, 73
------Iris Waichler on, 76
------Jennifer Kalita on, 76
------Julie Watson Smith on, 74
------Kathryn Mahoney on, 74–75
------Malonda Richard on, 76
------Nina Marie Duran on, 75
------Paula Schmitt on, 75
------Samantha Gianulis on, 74
Prentice Hall, 208
Preorders, 162
Pre-publication process. see Pre-natal book care
Presence Principle, 28, 197–199. see also Pitch Principle
Press releases, 60, 62f, 79, 177. see also Announcement of new books
Presskit247.com, 199, 214
Principles Chart, 190–191f, 204. see also Four principles of publishing
Principles of publishing. see Four principles of publishing
Print runs, 206, 207
Printed marketing materials, 28
Print-on-demand, 206
Private label packages, 159–161
Prleads.com, 214
Professional associations, 214
Profnet.com, 214
Promotional items, 28
Proofreading. see Editing
Providence Journal, 117
Public relations. see Announcement of new books; Pitch Principle
Publication dates, 77, 78
Publication process, nine-month plan for, 78–79
Publications, industry, 214
Publicists. see Announcement of new books
Publicity Hound, 172
Publish America, 205
Publisher Marketplace, 193, 207, 213
------Alana Morales on, 24
------Arlene Schusteff on, 24–25
------Christie Glascoe Crowder on, 20
------Christine Louise Hohlbaum on, 20–21
------Deborah Hurley on, 18
------giving manuscript to. see Manuscript release
------independent/umbrella, 206–207
------Iris Waichler on, 21, 173–175
------Jennifer Kalita on, 26
------Jennifer Thie on, 18–20
------Julie Watson Smith on, 17
------Kathryn Mahoney on, 23
------Leeda Bacon on, 22
------list of major, 208
------Malonda Richard on, 25
------Marna Krajeski on, 23–24
------Maureen Focht on, 22
------Nina Marie Duran on, 24
------Pamela Jo Leo on, 16
------Samantha Gianulis on, 25–26
------Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing, 2, 16
Publishers Marketing Association, 214
Publishers Weekly, 78, 193, 207, 214
------Deborah Hurley on, 11
------four principles of, 192
------legal issues with, 213
------options for, 205–208
------as principle, 203
------resources for, 213
------science to, 188–190
------statistics and, 108
------steps to, 209
------writing and. see Writing
Publishinggame.com, 214
Pueblo Indexing, 14
Purpose, as core of book, 189

Quarterly sales. see Sales
Question of Balance, 17
Quizzes, presence and, 198

Radio. see Media events
Random House, 208
Rankings, Amazon, 127
Ray, Rachel, 103
Red level of publishing, 206–207
Regan Books, 208
Reiss, Fern, 214
Release events, 79
Research, writing and, 195
------Arlene Schusteff on, 179
------bestseller stories and, 213
------for book promotion, 213
------Christie Glascoe Crowder on, 176–177
------Christine Louise Hohlbaum on, 172
------for finding an agents, 213
------industry publications and, 214
------Iris Waichler on, 173–175
------Julie Watson Smith on, 173
------Kathryn Mahoney on, 175–176
------Leeda Bacon on, 176
------for legal issues, 213
------Malonda Richard on, 178
------Marna Krajeski on, 177
------Maureen Focht on, 179
------Nancy Cleary on, 180
------Nina Marie Duran on, 178–179
------Pamela Jo Leo on, 180
------for pitch principle, 202
------for presence principle, 199
------professional associations and, 213
------for publishing, 213
------support groups as, 193
------for writing principle, 195–196
Retreats, 210
Returns, 131, 162
Reviewers. see also Pitch letters
------ARCs and, 60
------Caroline Poser on, 67–70
------Deborah Hurley’s, 182–183
------following-up and, 104
------negative, 99–100, 126
------nine-month plan and, 78–79
------peer. see Peer review
Richard, Malonda
------on announcing new book, 47
------biography, 219
------on birth of new book, 94
------on conception of book idea, 9
------on cover design, 51
------on expanding your family, 170–171
------on manuscript release, 55–56, 59
------on newborn period of book development, 117–118
------photo of, 120p
------on pre-natal care of book, 76
------on public relations, 84–85
------on publishers, 25
------as videographer, 86
Riding the Infertility Roller Coaster: A Guide to Educate & Inspire
------ARC of, 68
------branded materials of, 33f
------conception of, 2–3
------cover design and, 52f
Rights sales, 159
Riverhead, 208
Roberts, Julia, 102
Ronald McDonald houses, 98
Ross, Marilyn & Tom, 214

S.A.H.M. I Am: Tales of a Stay-at-Home Mom in Europe
------advance review package for, 65f
------branded materials of, 31f
------conception of, 3
------cover design and, 52f
------impact of on author, 165
------photo of, 113f
------pitch letter for, 64f
------publishing of, 20–21
Sales, 156–157, 159, 203
San Miquel, Daniel, 178–179
Sander, Jennifer Bayse, ix, 213
The Savvy Author’s Guide to Book Publicity, 213
Schmitt, Paula
------on announcing new book, 44–45
------biography, 219
------on birth of new book, 90
------branded materials of, 32f
------on conception of book idea, 6
------event photo and, 112p
------on newborn period of book development, 112
------on pre-natal care of book, 75
------on public relations, 80
------on toddler period of book development, 134–135
School, writing for, 194
Schroeder, Ann, 185
Schusteff, Arlene
------on announcing new book, 46
------biography, 220
------on birth of new book, 91
------branded materials of, 36f
------on conception of book idea, 7
------on expanding your family, 167
------favorite resources of, 179
------on media events, 147–149
------photo of, 139p, 147p
------on public relations, 83
------on publishers, 24–25
------on toddler period of book development, 139
Science, publishing as, 205
Second level of publishing, 206–207
The Secret to Publishing Online class, 213
SelfPublishing.com, 205
Sell sheets, 60, 62f
Selling yourself. see Branding; Marketing; Pitch Principle
Send-offs. see Launches
“Sex and the City”, 147
Sharing news of new books. see Announcement of new books
Shelving, timing and, 77
Signings. see also Announcement of new books
------Arlene Schusteff on, 83
------birth of new book and, 103–104
------photo of, 110p, 111p, 116p
Silent Heroes: Courageous Families Living With Depression and Mental Illness
------branded materials of, 33f
------conception of, 6
------photo of, 141–142
Simon & Schuster, 208
Singer, Jen, 21
Smith, Julie Watson
------on announcing new book, 42
------biography, 219
------on birth of new book, 93
------branded materials of, 30f
------on conception of book idea, 4–5
------on expanding your family, 165
------favorite resources of, 173
------on manuscript release, 57
------on newborn period of book development, 110
------photo of, 110p
------on pre-natal care of book, 74
------on public relations, 80
------on publishers, 17
Sonogram of book. see Cover design
Speaking, presence and, 199
Special Gifts: Women Writers on the Heartache, the Happiness and the Hope of Raising a Special
------Needs Child, 167
Spokespeople, presence and, 199
Sponsorship packages, 159–161
St. Martin’s Griffin, 208
St. Martin’s Press, 208
Statistics, publishing, 108
Steele, Danielle, 139
Stewart, Joan, 172
Straight Up and Dirty, 48
Strong, Brenda, 68, 135
Style-Root PR, 85
Substantive editing, 12
Support. see also Resources
------groups for, 193
------importance of, 178–179
------of publisher, 180
Sutherland, Donald, 95

Tabby House, 205
Tablet PCs, 177
Target.com, 206
Teaching, writing and, 195
Technical skills
------editing as, 12–14
------ghostwriting as, 12
------indexing as, 14
------proofreading as, 13
------writing as, 12, 13
Television. see Media events
Thematic photos, cover design and, 53f, 54f
Thie, Jennifer
------on announcing new book, 40–41
------biography, 220
------on conception of book idea, 8–9
------on publishers, 18–20
Third level of publishing, 207
Time, 80
Time Warner, 208
Times Books, 208
Titles. see Naming
Today Show, 105, 137
Toddler period of book development
------Arlene Schusteff on, 139
------Christie Glascoe Crowder on, 141
------Christine Louise Hohlbaum on, 135–136
------introduction to, 133
------Iris Waichler on, 140, 155
------Kathryn Mahoney on, 138
------Marna Krajeski on, 137–138
------Maureen Focht on, 141–142
------Nina Marie Duran on, 140–141
------Pamela Jo Leo on, 142–143
------Paula Schmitt on, 134–135
------Terilee Harrison on, 141
total 180! magazine, 25, 138
Touchstone, 208
Trafford Publishing, 205
T-shirts, presence and, 198

Umbrella publishers, 206–207
Unaccompanied Baggage, 166
Universal Publishers, 205
Unlimited Publishing, 205
USA Book Awards, 142

Videography, Malonda Richard and, 86
“The View”, 105
Viking, 208
Virtualbookworm.com, 205
Visibility. see Presence Principle

WAHM Talk Radio, 135
Waichler, Iris
------on announcing new book, 43–44
------on ARCs, 68
------on awards nominations, 145–146
------biography, 220
------on birth of new book, 94
------branded materials of, 33f
------on conception of book idea, 2–3
------on expanding your family, 164–165
------favorite resources of, 173–175
------on joys of authorship, 155
------on newborn period of book development, 111–112
------photo of, 111p
------on pre-natal care of book, 76
------on public relations, 80–81
------on publishers, 21
------on toddler period of book development, 140
Walker, Alice, 39, 43
Wall Street Journal Books, 208
Wal-mart.com, 206
Warner Vision, 208
Warren, Lisa, 214
WasabiPublicity.com, 172
Wayne’s World, 148
The Wealthy Spirit, 99
Web presence, 28, 172, 198. see also Presence Principle
What’s the Matter with Mommy, cover design and, 54f
William Morrow, 208
WinePress Publishing, 205
Winfrey, Oprah, 69, 80, 105, 106–107, 114
The Winter of My Years, 178–179
Wolf, Naomi, 68
Wolpert, Lewis, 69–70
Woman’s Day, 114
Word, 177
Working Woman Magazine, 117
World Talk Radio, 112, 168
Writer Mama, 199
Writer’s Digest, 135, 179, 193
Writer’s Market, 207, 213
------Anne Schroeder on, 185
------Christine Louise Hohlbaum on, 3
------coaches for, 13
------Deborah Hurley on, 27, 181–183
------ghostwriting and, 12
------as principle of publishing, 193–196
------retreats for writers and, 210
Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing. see also Cleary, Nancy
------Alana Morales on, 24
------Arlene Schusteff on, 24–25
------Christie Glascoe Crowder on, 20
------conception of book ideas and, 2
------Custom Imprint Program, 206–207
------Deborah Hurley on, 18
------gift certificate for, 209
------Iris Waichler on, 81, 173
------Jennifer Thie on, 19
------Julie Watson Smith on, 17
------Kathryn Mahoney on, 23
------Leeda Bacon on, 22, 42
------Malonda Richard on, 25
------manuscript release and, 55, 58
------Maureen Focht on, 22
------media events and, 150
------Nina Marie Duran on, 24
------Oregon Bed & Breakfast...& Book and, 210
------Pamela Jo Leo on, 16, 143
------public relations and, 82
------as publishing choice, 16
------Samantha Gianulis on, 25–26, 150–151
------The Secret to Publishing Online class and, 213
------statistics and-, 108
------support of, 180

Xlibris, 205

Yahoo Alerts, 195
Yahoo groups, 179, 193
Yellow level of publishing, 207
Young, Woody, 213
Your Big Sister’s Guide to Surviving College
------conception of, 5
------impact of on author, 170
YouTube.com, 20